One condition to break it all Let’s assume we’re working on a quest. Throughout it, we trigger a gameplay event whenever a certain condition is met. To make it less abstract, let’s say we’re registering an in-game clue as found whenever the player character is 1 meter away from it. Since the scene investigation is one of the core gameplay loop mechanics, we do this a lot, in many different places. After many months of work, we ask first playtesters for feedback, and the most common point raised in the surveys is that finding clues just doesn’t feel right. The required distance between the PC and a clue is too short, forcing players to squeeze into some weird nooks and crannies, exposing a multitude of locomotion issues that would be too costly to fix at this point. The decision is made to increase the clue-registering distance, because surely it’s simpler and cheaper to make small numerical tweaks, than it is to rework all the environments or to fix the animations system that’s ...